妹妹2妹妹 is a bi-weekly program available to Carthage women of color. The mission of Sister to Sister is built on four pillars: Academic Excellence, 职业和专业准备, 社区参与和贡献的意义, 目的, 并留下遗产. 在这些会议期间, members build community by discussing the importance of self-care, 成长心态, 专业发展, 以及肯定他们的身份和经历.
This leadership program for men of color strives to build excellence in four key areas: personal development; 学术; 专业准备和公民参与; and 意义, 目的, 留下一份遗产. 活动包括领导静修, 与公司领导和企业主会面, 实习工作坊, 工作见习, ceo等社区领袖的演讲, 牧师, 教授, 政客们, 社区组织者, 社会正义倡导者, 等.
This is a program available to Carthage 拉美裔/Latina women. This identity-based group is designed to provide a community and sense of belonging by engaging students in 学术, 职业和专业发展, 社区参与, 以及对社区的贡献. 在每两周一次的会议期间, members build community by discussing the importance of self-care, 成长心态, 专业发展, 以及肯定他们的身份和经历.
This leadership program for 拉美裔/Latino male students strives to build excellence in four key areas: personal development, 学术, 专业准备和公民参与, 意义, 目的, 留下一份遗产. 活动包括领导静修, 与公司领导和企业主会面, 实习车间, 工作见习, 以及ceo等社区领袖的演讲, 牧师, 教授, 政客们, 社区组织者, 社会正义倡导者, 等.
This five-day pre-orientation program informs and 连接s first-generation and underrepresented campus athletes to the constellation of supports to enhance their college experience. The goal is to mitigate the sense of estrangement and help students get outside their comfort zone to find pathways to success and fulfillment during their first-year college experience and beyond.
与 信仰与灵性中心, 赞美之夜 is held with local churches from Racine and 出赛, bringing the community together at Carthage and offering students a religious and culturally diverse experience.
Trips introduce Carthage students to diverse communities, help them visit important organizations in each community, and allow them to enjoy an authentic meal in each community we visit. Special attention is paid to the history of social justice movements in each community. 过去的访问包括去皮尔森, 唐人街, 华盛顿公园, 以及芝加哥的湖景, 以及斯科基的伊利诺伊州大屠杀博物馆.
This program aims to create conversation and educate others to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment.
一个安全的和支持的空间,让男人联系, 分享, 并在他们的心理健康旅程中相互支持. 讨论心理健康可能很有挑战性, especially because of the societal pressures to stay silent. This group aims to break down these barriers and foster a community where open dialogue and mutual support are encouraged.
An inclusive space where members of the LGBTQ+ community can come together to 分享, 连接, 互相支持. We celebrate diversity and aim to foster an environment where everyone can express their true selves without fear or judgment. This group is open to all individuals seeking support, 连接ion, and understanding. 你是否在探索你的身份, 应对个人挑战, 或者只是想与他人建立联系, 不用谢.
SMARTER Mentors Program (Students Mentoring As Retention Tools for Effective Results)
This mentoring program aims to foster relationships with incoming BIPOC and underrepresented freshmen to initiate that first friendship when they arrive. The goal is to increase student retention rates for BIPOC and underrepresented students. 更多的over, it ensures that freshmen have that sense of belonging within their first month on campus.
炉边聊天:真人. 真正的故事.
这些对话让学生, 教师, 工作人员, and the surrounding community together to learn and discuss personal experiences through the art of storytelling. Each conversations is focused on bridging generational gaps, 创建对话, and bringing forth a mutual understanding of different cultural perspectives.
This program showcases films revolving around a number of social justice issues. These films are designed to create dialogue among participants and provide an alternative perspective. 这些影片在《bv伟德ios下载》中放映 & 包容中心每月一次.